Clinics We Offer

Asthma Clinic
All patients with asthma are invited to attend an annual review with one of our nurses.
The nurse will review asthma medication, check inhaler technique, assess asthma control and answer any questions raised.
The nurse will also discuss ways in which patients can control their symptoms better and will give patients an individual management plan.
An annual review helps to ensure patients have optimum asthma control.

Diabetic Clinic
All patients with diabetes are invited for reviews annually or more regularly if better control is necessary. Two appointments will be made; one for a blood test and one week later in a nurse lead diabetic clinic for the review.
The letter will state whether the appointment is for a follow-up review or annual review. The receptionist will need this information when the appointment is booked so that the appropriate time can be allocated.
If the appointment is for an annual review, it is requested that the patient bring an early morning urine sample when they attend the clinic. A container can be obtained from the surgery for this. Patients who test and record their own blood sugars should bring their record diaries to the clinic. These will assist in decisions on whether treatment needs to be adjusted. If it is felt necessary, the nurse may make a further appointment for a review with one of the diabetic team doctors.
These reviews are very important for the patients' continued well being. If you have any queries or concerns about diabetes, contact a member of our nursing team.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinic
The Respiratory Clinic is run by specialist nurses and assists your doctor in making the diagnosis of a lung disease and then provides monitoring and education.
The majority of patients seen in the clinic have either asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We can help you with understanding the disease process and how to use inhalers and other medications. We will give reassurance to those with asthma and provide informative written information.
We aim to assess all patients each year by monitoring:
- Symptoms
- Inhaler use
- Compliance
- Smoking status
We use spirometry and peak flow measurement to help diagnose and monitor the disease and the effectiveness of medication.

Hypertension Clinic
High blood pressure is the single most important factor which may lead to coronary arterial disease (angina, heart attack and heart failure) as well as cerebrovascular disease (stroke and transient ischaemic attacks) and peripheral vascular disease (claudication and gangrene).
Vigorous treatment to control high blood pressure has been shown to reduce the incidence of these diseases. By regular monitoring of blood pressure and risk factors and the adjustment of treatment to maintain acceptable BP levels - patients with hypertension can prevent the development of those complications.
Treatment will be based on lifestyle modifications, appropriate diet, regular exercise and cessation of smoking. Our clinics provide an annual review with a nurse, followed up by a review with a doctor 6 months later.

Heart Disease/Stroke Clinic
We have a specialist clinic which monitors the progress and maximises the treatment of those patients with established heart disease.
This includes patients with a diagnosis of coronary arterial disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and angina as well as those with peripheral arterial disease or a history of stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA).
The aims of the clinic are to help patients modify their lifestyles to help themselves to control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, improve heart function, in order to improve the quality and duration of lives, by:
- Improving their diet.
- Stopping smoking.
- Increasing their regular exercise levels.
- Introducing medication.

Minor Injuries
Did you know that we treat the following?:
- Removal of foreign bodies - in tissue, Irritating/Painful non-penetrating small objects in eyes
- Sprains - Hands, Arms, Legs, Feet
- Whiplash
- Burns, Scalds, Blisters
- Lacerations and Head Injuries
- Cuts, Wounds, Lesions, Rips, Tears
- Bruises
Please contact the surgery to discuss you needs and to book an appointment.

Minor Surgery Clinic
Minimally invasive procedures carried out at our minor surgery clinic, including excision of
- moles (benign)
- skin cysts
- lipomas
- skin tags
- haemangiomas
- dermatofibromas
- incisions of boils
- aspiration of bursa
- aspiration of ganglion
Ingrowing toenails:
- toe nail wedge incisions or full nail removal